Service Beyond Expectation.

Our Mission

Our Vision
To be the premier insurance resource in partnership with healthcare providers and other clients.

Our Values

I am delighted to have you as our guest and welcome you to our website.
We are pleased to use this opportunity to provide information about Healthcare Providers Insurance Company – an insurance group with a proud past and a bright future! At this website, you can learn about our staff, leadership team, and our wide variety of services. I am sure you will see why we love what we do.
As you explore our site, please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have questions or concerns.
Richard A. Farlow

Healthcare Insurance Providers Company Group (HPIC) specializes in providing professional liability, workers’ compensation, and general liability insurance to facilities and physicians.
With a long history of excellence and a dedication to protecting our client’s reputation, we have maximized value through strong financial management, operational efficiency, and superior risk and claims management.
More than an insurance company, we are owned and governed by our subscriber-insureds. The HPIC Board of Directors consists of Hospital CEOs and hospital administrators. These individuals bring their knowledge and a unique perspective to the governance of HPIC for those entities and individuals for which we serve.
As we expand our geographic footprint, our mission has remained the same. To provide innovative and cost-effective insurance solutions to assist in safeguarding the assets of our owners while supporting the delivery of quality health care.
Contact Our Team
Healthcare Providers Insurance Company (HPIC) is dedicated to serving the professional liability insurance needs of healthcare facilities and other healthcare providers.DISCLAIMER: This website only provides a simplified description of coverages and is not a statement of contract. Insurance for healthcare providers and coverage may not apply in all states. For complete details of coverages, conditions, limits, and losses not covered, be sure to read the policy, including all endorsements, or prospectus, if applicable.